Sf, fantasy and dark fiction
Death doesn’t stand a chance against love.
The Plot Against Heaven

‘a slick and cunning tale that moves with the speed of a smart, classy thriller’ –Simon Bestwick, author of And Cannot Come Again: Tales of Childhood, Regret, and Innocence Lost
Out NOW as an ebook from Crossroad Press, with a print version to follow.

It’s always the end of the world when you break up with someone. This time it really is…
Game Changers of the Apocalypse
available now from Crossroad Press
‘..takes you on a rollercoaster ride as Polly and Greg fight to stay alive, and to stay together.’
British Fantasy Society

‘What could really happen in a house near you…’
Twisted twins James and Louise meet a man at a nightclub who invites them to join a secret society, if they can commit a crime…
Satan’s Fan Club
A psychological thriller
several shades darker than black
available now from Crossroad Press